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In the blog: Passenger

Escapism, to me, is not about fleeing from reality, but rather it's about embracing the moments life offers. It's immersing myself entirely in the present, savouring each experience, no matter how monumental or mundane, every sensation, whether joyful or challenging. These are the moments I treasure, knowing they'll be revisited in my memories, time and time again. Whether navigating the fragility of old age, confronting adversity like complete deafblindness, or encountering unexpected trials, all these moments will continue to serve as my 'escape', offering solace and guidance through life's shadows and into the luminous realm of possibility and resilience.”

Click here to read more.

In the news: London Marathon
My third training milestone successfully achieved. Between offline and online collections, it has been raised £516 for the Guide Dogs charity so far. Huge thanks to those who donated!

Sky News: My first appearance on TV

Through connections within my community and research for my PhD, I have encountered a number of individuals unsure if they qualify for a guide dog despite clearly needing that help. My hope that appearing in the media as I am with my guide dog, even if it resonates with just one person, it prompts them to reconsider their eligibility for that furry companion.

A conversation with Erik Weihenmayer

What an honour it was to connect with Erik, who is the first blind person to summit Mt. Everest! His advice & insights have equipped me for my own journey ahead as a DeafBlind climber. We talked about the importance of building a strong team, how he mastered his climbing skills as a blind person and some funny sponsor compromises! Click above to hear the full conversation.

In the news: Introduction to my journey

First article released in the press. Click the news logo to read more!

Microsoft Research Podcast: Teachable AI with Cecily Morrison & Karolina Pakėnaitė
Click here to delve deeper into my role in the Find My Things research project. I am excited to share my experience as a Citizen Designer from the unique perspective of a DeafBlind individual. Make sure to stick around until the end to catch a snippet about my Everest project!

Sponsorship: The Climbing Academy

Completed my belay fundamentals at The Arc, then got welcomed into their climbing academy for a few months, to safely master some other skills like rope handling, teamwork, and communication as a DeafBlind climber, so that I can be as efficient as possible during upcoming larger exhibitions. Thank you The Arc for the sponsorship!